Super cute! nice work
Super cute! nice work
wow! nice work
thanks =)
hahaha everytime
Love it! and really like how you made the frame
It looks like it was painted on a real canvas, nice
Ironically considering I sneak in cross hatches and screen tone. including textures that is far from that ( palm trees) How I paint is influenced by Krita's limitations... Though thanks. I am still trying to learn to make harder edges... To make my pictures way more. sharper. I always modify my tools everytime due to my program never saves brush changes after I am done, so I am taking advantage of that flaw. Though learned how to modify every single tool to bend to my whims. To get interesting results... I find it boring to draw with lines as I can't express multiple things on one layer without that disgusting " line on line " action that gets everything sketchy without any reason. I am still learning, but I am trying to improve as much as possible. I am want to eventually make this my second job... Working on backgrounds for me is fairly something I find I am good at doing. Surprised for you to look at some of my work, excuse the "what the fuck" drawings. I love working with texture and shapes. It's just the way I paint. Eventually get scouted.
Wow this is amazing! I would play this
Thanks! The original game is still great. Maybe my favorite Mario...
A master piece
Wow! nice work
This is amazing! Love it
Wow, this is amazing!
Digital Artist/Illustration 🎨🇲🇽
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Joined on 4/8/19